Financial Independence for Augusta Science Academy

There are two different ways to donate to support the Augusta Science Academy. We encourage everyone (that is eligible) to use both methods. One method is to direct Georgia Tax money you already owe to go to the Augusta Science Academy. You may pledge anytime of the year then fund (pay) in February or March of the following year. See details below. The tax money is limited so we also highly encourage everyone to donate directly to support the Augusta Science Academy.

If you pay Georgia state or business tax, you have an opportunity to specify that some of that money be used to support the Augusta Science Academy (ISA’s Full Time School).

The process is very simple:

  • Go to the GASSO (Georgia Student Scholarship Organization) application form at or directly to the ASA page
  • Apply to donate and select Augusta Science Academy as the school to donate to.
  • In mid-January, once you have been approved to fund your donation, you will receive a letter directly from the Georgia Department of Revenue and an email from GaSSO.
  • You will have 60 days to decide the amount you actually want to donate. You will send your donation to GASSO. GASSO will make the donation available to Augusta Science Academy for the next school year.
  • When you file your Georgia state tax return for next year, you will get a credit for the full amount (up to your tax liability) you donated.

For more information check the Augusta Science Academy website at, GASSO website at or download the Frequently Asked Question by clicking here.

Supporting Augusta Science Academy directly.

Please click below donate directly to support the Augusta Science Academy:
